Basic ignition curve setup
Her I want to write some basic setup lines to get started.
Example curve,
Please do not copy this to any other bike.
It is just made fore explaining the points

Roughly point description
Point 1 to 2) Start off the ignition timing where engine runs at idle a check point for the base advance using a timing light (usually till 2000rpm)
Point 2 to 3) Quickly to the desired advance for the begin mid section, usually this is within a couple hundreds rpm's
Point 3 to 4) Part where engine has to start pulling/rolling the bike this can be set high on a track bike (around the 28/30) but set lower on a road bike (around 24/25) curve usually goes from high (point 3) to a couple degrees lower (point 4)On stock CDI's this part is set very save mostly just around or above the 20 degrees
Point 4 to 5) End mid section more important on road going bikes as it usually is the part where you hold the throttle in traffic so must be safe and therefore lowering from the higher end section off the mid part but not to low as it need to be the jump start for the power section
Point 5 to 6) Begin off the power section till peek power. Very important part off the curve point 6 is set usually on peek power (common set on 14/15 degrees)
Point 6 to 7) also an important part of the curve as after peek power you need to drop the advance to keeping overrev possible usually it drops to around 5 degrees within a 1000rpm from point 6 but not to quick like Point 2 to 3 but more subtle to ensure the natural power curve behavior.
Point 7 to 8 (ending)) is most off the time equally around the 5 degrees or slowly getting less to 2 a 3 degrees
If your bike peeks at (Example) 12.000rpm you shift the wole curve and set point 6 at 14/15 degrees at 12.00rpm etc etc
Example curve,
Please do not copy this to any other bike.
It is just made fore explaining the points

A rough baseline with the ypvs is:
Point 1) Start opening at the same point as point 4 on the ignition curve.
Point 2) End fully open is about 1000rpm before peek power