TZR125 4DL vs 4FL CDI
TZR125 Research
A lot of people point out that the 4FL CDI is not good and you have the use the 4DL CDI to get full power from your TZR125 4FL.
Most of them points out the huge dip in the ignition curve. First I was tempted to follow the opinion of the crowd, but when giving it more attention I started to doubt.
Especially if you searching for dyno curves of a 4FL you don't see the big dip back in the Dyno results.
When you look at the ignition curve of a 4FL CDI especially at peak power (should be around the 10500 a 11000rpm stock) you see that it has more advance than a 4DL ignition curve so theoretical it should perform petter at this point.
This needs further investigation.
I'm planning to let my road going 4DL run on a 4FL CDI and dyno the difference between those. (the same engine at the same day)
For this project I used the following research.....

4DL info based on own dyno runs. (info)
(Engine setup: well setup carb rest all stock)
Small note: Power Curve is drow fore indication its not precise

4FL info based on other dyno runs. (info)
(Engine setup: restrictions removed rest all stock)
Small note: Power Curve is drow fore indication its not precise

Next to each other better to see there is no huge dip in power curve at the point the ignition drops. (4FL)
This is seen at Serval 4FL dyno runs on the web.

With this info as Base line it would be interesting to see how a 4FL ignition performs on a 4DL engine. The next step will be wiring up the 4FL CDI so it's an easy swap.
More to come